Smart Contract Audits

MixBytes Audit

An audit of the full suite of Pickle Finance smart contracts by MixBytes commenced on October 3, 2020.

To date, all of the PickleJar strategy contracts created in 2020 have been audited.

No critical or major issues were found in the strategy contracts. Minor issues have been fixed. The audit report warned of suspicious proxy functions (which the Pickle Finance developers explained were necessary and were protected by a 12 hour timelock). The full report can be viewed here.

An audit of the remaining contracts is underway and is expected to complete shortly.

Haechi Audit

An audit of the full suite of Pickle Finance smart contracts by Haechi commenced on October 20, 2020. The completed audit report can be found here.

Peckshield Audit of DILL

The Peckshield Audit of the DILL implementation can be found here.

Last updated