There are many benefits from vote locking your PICKLEs for DILL. Read more about them here:

DILL Vote Locking

Locking PICKLEs for DILL

  • Head over to "DILL" (app.pickle.finance/dill) on the navigation menu and select:

    • The number of PICKLEs you wish to lock.

    • Your lock duration, up to a maximum of 4 years.

  • Click on "Create Lock" (if this is your first time interacting with vote locking, "Approve and Create Lock") then confirm the transaction

  • After confirmation, your DILL balance and lock expiry date should appear. Congratulations!

Modifying a DILL lock

If you have any DILL locked, the website will enable you to 1) increase your lock amount and/or 2) extend your lock.

  • Increase Lock Amount. Clicking here adds PICKLEs to your existing lock by the amount you input. Your Balance is the amount of unlocked PICKLEs on your wallet

  • Extend Lock Time. You may click on the input field and use the calendar tool to select a date, which will be rounded to the nearest DILL epoch (lasting a week). You may also use the radio buttons to select an extension period

You will be prompted to confirm a transaction from your MetaMask/Web3 wallet for either of the above actions (they are separate transactions).

Last updated